Tuesday 30 November 2010


its snowing!!
food thing, i think....
the following comic is based on a true story, so be careful when out there playing in the snow!

           Jamie L.

Monday 22 November 2010


exactly a week since my last upload! I'm doing aright.
a note to anyone who is reading these, I want you to tell as many people about this as you possibly can. I'm not going to keep uploading if nobody reads them. so you very few people are my 'advertising campaign'. please tell everyone you know. thanks!

Monday 15 November 2010

i hate COD!

this comic was inspired by an encounter with a particular Ben Spires, who i felt like stabbing in the face severan times with a blunt butter knife. hope you like!

Friday 12 November 2010

why not to have a cat!

everyone who owns a cat will have had something similar to this in their lifetime:
spot the cat!

try to fondle it or whatever you call it....

seems cute to start with but suddenly...


oh dear....

this is my first post, make it good, dammit!

hi guys, i'm Jamie, a 14 year old lad from England that likes making webcomics. Whether they're good is down to you. As this IS my first EVER post on blogspot, i'm going to give you guys a 'taster' of what i do. so... here goes!

hopefully i will be uploading at least one comic a week
      Jamie L  ;)