Friday 25 March 2011

lemons, penguins, guns and god.

hi, no comic this week. just this link:
as you know, i've been making sprite comics. i decided to put it onto a webcomic community, and the link above takes you to the first comic i did. i'm sure you can work the rest out.
just for the hell of it, heres a picture to enjoy:
until next week

Wednesday 23 March 2011

spritecomic number 3! who's that pokemon?

another addition to my sprite comics... enjoy! ;)
should be another next week. thanks.
                                                       Jamie. :)

Monday 14 March 2011

sorry, here's some sprites

Sorry guys, I know I haven't updated in a while. I've spent the last couple of hours making these two sprite comics... so enjoy!

I'm probably going to be back making my usual comics next week, but please don't keep your hopes up.

Monday 7 March 2011

sorry guys!

for the very few who actually ever read my comics, sorry for the long wait.
luckily i have the most amazing picture ever.
how attractive.